Getting Yoga Ready (6) - Shaucha

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After seeing all the restraints so far, let me move on to reflect upon the observances or the Niyamas. The restraints and observances support and complement each other. Also, it is interesting to note that the observances come after the restraints, subtly indicating the importance of discipline.

Whenever I want to raise above certain tendencies / behavior / thought patters and aim to become a better version of myself, there must be something that I can reach up and grasp hold of, so that I can heave myself up. The niyamas are such holds, which when grasped on to, will help me raise from the lower tendencies to higher and subtler states of mind.

Just like there are 5 yamas, the niyamas are also 5 in number. They are:
  1. Saucha -cleanliness
  2. Santosha -contentment
  3. Tapas -austerity / discipline
  4. Svadhyaya -Self study and study of the "Self"
  5. Ishvara Pranidhana - Surrender to the God or Higher Power
Well rounded and covering almost all aspects of our life and personality, the yamas and niyamas are beautifully structured and extremely well thought out by Saint Patanjali. Let me delve a little more deeply on Saucha.

What is cleanliness?
First off, what is cleanliness? Or even before that, what it means to be clean? To be clean is the absence of impurities, dirt, rubbish -in short -absence of unwanted and potentially dangerous and harmful particles and things is to be "clean". The ability to maintain this state or quality of "clean" is cleanliness.

Now as usual, let me apply this in my life. In the gross level, it is important to keep my surroundings, possessions and physical body clean. Isn't it an amazing feeling to have a refreshing bath after a hot and sticky day? Don't we feel fully awake once we hit the shower? Doesn't it seem as if the mind breathes a sigh of relief once I get rid of the clutter and cobwebs in my room?

Cleanliness of the body and surrounding is deeply linked with the feeling of peace and happiness. In management terms, cleanliness is one of the "hygine" factors - Like good lighting, ventilation etc, people will hardly notice the presence of cleanliness but will be terribly put off by its absence. Try not taking bath for a day and see how people around you react. People at home hardly take note when I sweep and mop the floor, but if don't do it for a day, immediately they will ask why the house is so dirty. And let me not even talk about cleaning the bathrooms here.

Why is cleanliness even an observance?
But sadly, we all know that cleaning is not a one time act. It requires constant effort. To keep myself and my surrounding clean, I must first chuck the feeling of laziness out. It is easy to live in squalor, but it takes back breaking effort to live in a clean environment.

Ok, all this is fine. I don't want to make people feel as if this is a housekeeping blog. The ultimate object that must be aimed to be kept in a constant state of cleanliness is the mind. Just like how my physical body accumulates dirt on its day to day activities, similarly, the mind also accumulates huge bundles of impressions through its daily interaction with the world. The more the accumulation of these impressions, the more the number of thoughts in my mind and the more impure it becomes (again, a pure mind is the one that has least number of thoughts -not good or bad or ugly)

How to keep the mind clean?
The only way to keep the mind clean is to not identify oneself with all the thoughts that are constantly flowing in the mind. For example, the single thought anger, if identified with, will make me angry at the situation, a person and so on. But if I just "observe" that there is a feeling of anger and not identify with it -with an understanding that this is just a thought and like all thoughts, this too will pass in a while -then I don't let this thought form any impressions in my mind.

It is the nature of the mind to constantly have thoughts. But once the identification with thought ceases, then life becomes simple and peaceful.

But how do I NOT identify with the thoughts? How can I just observe it?
This is where training comes into play. Just like how I need to constantly train my body to keep it in shape by exercising, I have to exercise my mind too. Exercise for the mind is japa, reflection on the teaching of masters and scriptures, meditation, mindfulness, practice of devotion, surrender, love, empathy, compassion, thankfulness -all these are the tools which help in keeping the mind clean.

And this too, like physical cleaning is a constant exercise. One day I relax, the cobwebs start settling in. In fact, it is more challenging to keep the mind clean because, unlike the physical body and objects -the mind is extremely dynamic & subtle in nature that I have to be constantly watchful of it.

why should I practice cleanliness?
Well, because cleanliness is next to Godliness :)
Seriously! The nature of God is perfection and the aim of cleanliness is to help things be their state of perfection. On a practical level, clean body and clean surroundings are essential for good health. A clean mind is a happy and peaceful mind.

And also, who likes to live with a smelly body, dirty home and a cluttered mind?



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