Dreaming up the Reality

If this was a place to dream, what are my dreams? No filter, no second guessing. Just jotting down all that comes to my mind, without any judgement, without any rational thinking, without logic and without self-criticism. Here it goes
  • To make people kinder. Where all interactions are based on kindness and respect
  • No division in the name of religion. Faith to unite, than divide -where we all bow down with respect to other religions, knowing that it is one God and She is in us, as us.
  • For every tree that is cut- 4 more trees spring up in its place!
  • The earth and its elements are pure again -no plastic, no pollution -the planet pure and pristine
  • Humans no longer feel that they are the superior creations -but understand that they are a part of the ecosystem and treat all creatures with love
  • Where every life is safe and secure -no rapes, no murders, no execution, no prison
  • A society that is devoid of greed! 
  • A world without fear -even fear of death -because we finally come to understand that we are not this body, or the mind, or the intellect, but we are pure existence, conscious bliss.
  • Where all acts stem form love
  • Where everyone's basic needs are taken care of -food, shelter, health education & security -so that each individual can pursue the calling of their heart, without worrying about where their next meal is going to come from
  • To always be rooted in the Self -the drop of bliss that we actually are and all expressions stemming from it brimming with love and joy
  • Where we are no longer consumed with right and wrong, rich and poor -we just see life alone everywhere
  • A world based on firm belief that we all are one and when we hurt another, we only hurt ourselves
  • This life to be experienced as an expression of love and joy rather than sorrow and misery. 
That felt really nice! What are your dreams? What do you wish for? 


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