Manah Sodhanam -Verse 4

Before we start on the verse, let us take a moment to pay respect to all the diet plans and food promises that we have buried alive with all those yummy food that we have tucked in shamelessly. What?? Don't tell me that you have never felt, especially after a guilty junk food binge, that it is about time you should start eating healthy.

Even though I run and keep myself active, I have a weakness for salt. I just love to munch on savories. And you know what is even worse? I tend to keep eating something if I feel bored. I definitely need something in my mouth when I am engrossed in a book. And I get very tempted to eat when I see food. I can't stop myself from grabbing that handful of chips if I see the packet lying on the table, even if it is just 2 minutes after finishing my dinner. While I know that eating junk is bad, I sometimes just can't control myself. Even if I have enjoyed the benefits of healthy eating, it is so easy to stray off the path and indulge myself. Right now, in front of me, I have this really yummy packet of roasted cashews that I am desperately trying to ignore. If controlling our tongue itself is so difficult, then imagine how difficult it is to control our mind. Let us go to verse 4 with this thought.


The above verse says that, if somehow, due to our past karmas, we get this desire to know the truth, and even if the understanding of the truth takes place (while listening), firm abidance in the supreme self does not happen.

How true! When I read and contemplate on Manah Sodhan, there is so much peace. The mind is quiet. And the quiet continues through out the day most of the time. But then, you know, life happens. It is easy to have a quiet mind when everything goes according to your wish. But then we face so many situations that are beyond your control in our day to day lives right? The bus coming late, the traffic jams, the messy house, maid not coming, boss treating you badly, work pressure, illness, our loved ones falling sick, all these disturb our calm.

My Guru says, experiencing oneness when we are in meditation is not the real deal. To be in the state of oneness while living our life is what we must all strive for. And, that is what is really difficult, says Swami Tejomayananda.

Maybe we can try and exercise self control in small small things, so that we can ultimately conquer our mind and rest it in the state of oneness. Maybe we can try and not react too much to all the external situations. If we just pause a moment and observe our reactions, we realize that the reactions are just the chatter of our mind -it keeps passing comments about what is going on around us and that manifests as reactions and those reactions trigger further reactions in us and also in others.

Another thing that we can do is keep reminding ourselves that we are on this quest of ultimate truth and try and engage our mind along this line -listen to good discourses, read related texts, contemplate, and above all, seek our Guru's guidance, and ultimately, surrender to God and beg him to guide us in this quest. Hari Om!


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