Ocean and the waves

Terradepth, Which Maps the Ocean With Deep-Sea Robots, Raises $8M ...

As we are slowly getting back to our routine, I am looking back at the beginning of the lockdown and how it all unfolded for me. As the whole world withdrew inside their homes, the environment became so conducive to go within. The stillness on the outside easily helped achieve a stillness within. 

As the world slowed down, the mind also slowed down. Activities came down to a bare minimum. Actions were performed only on a need basis. No mindless running around. Within this physical stillness, the mind stopped gathering new impressions. And with no new impressions to distract, the older ones surfaced up with a vengeance. When that happened, there was no choice but to confront them. Look them in the eye and truly SEE them for what they are. 

And when that work was done, it was like a huge chunks of slush and dirt that were clogging the spirit were cleared off, allowing for the state of flow to manifest so beautifully. As the inner world cleared out, the actions coming forth were completely effortless. 

Ohhh this flow of bliss was so beautiful. Mind was so concentrated. So still...like I was submerged in the deep blue ocean with no disturbance, no sound, nothing to see...just an amazing sense of being so light...floating around... So beautiful. While meditating or doing pranayama, the mind had no where else to run around. It settled down so happily. And even when I was engaged in activity, it happened from this state of stillness. It was when it fully dawned on me that I don't need any validation for my existence. I am allowed to just be. I don't have to chase any purpose. I don't need to prove anything to anyone. And with that, I sensed what it is to be truly free!

Now this interlude is coming to an end. The world is unfolding and with that so is the mind. The macrocosm and microcosm is slowly coming out of a much needed rejuvenating and restorative yoga nidra. It feels like slowly coming up to the surface of the ocean full of waves that are becoming choppy and turbulent...

While a part of me is longing for this quiet, another part of me, that has already merged with the quiet is just observing it all... this cycle, this series of events that keep spiraling again and again around the focus of our awareness - like riding a wave. Knowing fully well that my place is the depth of the ocean and these waves are just something that has to be done. All is well. Everything is perfect the way it is. May this peace pervade within us all...for this world is nothing but a collective of all our inner worlds. 


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