Manah Sodhanam -Verse 3


As long as the impurities of the mind such as attachment etc, are not weakened or washed away, the desire to know the truth does not raise in the human heart.

Taken as is, this sounds like, "If your mind is not evolved, then you wont be interested in knowing the truth." Can we say that? Absolutely not. But at least, we can find a bit of solace in this lines because, more often than not, people who get into this introspection mode are the ones who get ridiculed.

You don't believe me? Well, let me tell you this. I shamelessly share all that I write through facebook, whatsapp, sms and what not. I hound the people I know to go read my blogs. But as far as my observations on Manah Sodhanam goes, I have just kept it pretty much to myself. Why? Because, I feel that I will be ridiculed for reading and writing about "Finding the truth".

"Why this unnecessary pursuit?", "do you have too much time in your hands?", "why do you even want to do all these? just be good and do good.", "are you going to become a sanyasin and get involved in this full time?, "Spirituality is just humbug. If there is God, then why are so many people suffering? It is because of people like you that our society is still mired in superstitions and stupid rituals". " Spirituality is just a form of escapism". These are all just a sample of the remarks that I got when I told people that I am attending a class on Manah Sodhanam.

Coming back to the verse, it says that the desire to know the truth comes only when the impurities of the mind are weakened. To be very honest, I don't think any of my attachments are weakened -or rather, I don't know if my desires/ attachments are weakened or not. But as I have mentioned here, my desire to know the truth has been there for quite some time.  Maybe we all reach a point where we start questioning the purpose of our existence. Maybe life sometimes forces us to get involved in this quest for truth through various circumstances. Whatever it may be, let us just take a moment and thank God that we are now this path. Hari Om!

Note to self: Share the link in face book :)


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