Manah Sodhanam -Verse 16

This one week is the longest time I have went without updating this page since I started writing on Manah Sodhanam. No matter how hectic things become, I must have the discipline to sit and write. I now understand the importance of doing sadhana regularly. It takes a lot of conscious effort to make our thoughts stick to the Truth. And regular sadhana helps in pulling my straying mind back to the state of peace and calm. As I am typing these words out, I can feel the stress and heartburns and other work related pains flow out of my mind and body. Why didn't I do this at the end of every work day?

It is so easy to get completely caught up in the process of day to day living. Also, while I theoretically try to remove expectations of the end result for the work I do, I couldn't help but feel really sad when all my efforts were dismissed as insignificant by the related parties. Whatever, all those are neither important, nor relevant. Let me move to verse 16 of Manah Sodhanam. It really is a divine grace that I am contemplating on this verse, when I really need it the most.


Likes and dislikes keep arising in my mind. These drive me to either pursue or withdraw from the objects of the world.
I feel that it is really important that we do what we like. It makes us happy! For example, I really like writing about Manah Sodhanam. I enjoy it. So whenever I get time, I try to read it or write about it. I like running, so I try my best to run 3 times a week. When I do all those things that I like, I am happy. But talk to me about instantly dampens my mood. I dislike it and I am trying to withdraw from it as much as possible.

 But if I view things dispassionately, without likes or dislikes, then how will my life be? Will it be placid and calm?? Or dull and bland? Or should I try and do what I like all the time, while slowly getting rid of doing things that I don't like? If I think about it a bit, I do the things that I don't like, because only if I do that, I will be able to do what I like. For example, only if I get up really early in the morning (Which I don't like. I love sleeping in), I will be able to run and see the glorious sunrise.  The same apply for people also. We try and be with people we like and avoid the ones we don't like like a plague. But, in some cases, we have no choice to put up with people we don't like, because only then we can be with those we like or have what we like.

And if I go along this line of thought for a bit, I can't help but feel how much importance I give for the likes and dislikes of others. I do many things for those I like and for me to be likable in their eyes! What a waste of time?! How much we bend backwards to gain societal acceptance? Isn't this also a dimension of likes and dislikes?

Maybe this verse is trying to tell me that I should not to give too much importance to my likes and dislikes, because, they are both two sides of the same coin? That is a thought to ponder. I should now try and analyze what I am pursuing and what I am withdrawing from and how big a role does my likes and dislikes play in my day to day life. Hari Om!


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