Manah Sodhanam -Verse 12

Verse 12 speaks a bit about something that we all enjoy. Sleep. Whatever be the trouble or worries, no matter how unhappy I am, a good sleep provides temporary relief from the constant swirl of thoughts and emotions that possess me when I am up. And, a good sleep often puts things into perspective. What seemed like a mountain of insurmountable trouble, somehow becomes -if not a mole hill, at least a hillock after a refreshing sleep. Isn't this why people say that we have to sleep over our decision/trouble etc?



All the impurities of the mind manifest only when the mind is working. When the mind is absorbed in sleep etc, then the effects of these impurities is not seen.

My Guru says, we are in the state of oneness when we sleep. Oh how good I feel after a good night's sleep. If that will be my state of mind when I am in oneness, then I just can't imagine how calm, productive and happy I will be all through the day. I will be rid of all the fear and anxiety that plague me now and then.

Now that I get up really early in the mornings -as early as 4.30, I understand why our ancestors call it the Brahma Muhurtham. The mind is at its sharpest, most focused state at this time. The mind is empty of distractions and chatter. There is just so much calm and peace in me. I am so glad that I am now running in the mornings. And, as I had mentioned earlier, I get to witness such dramatic sunrises. Each day, the sun and the sky and the water paints a different picture in the east. What a boost it gives to my day!

Let me conclude with these lines by Jagathguru Adi Shankaracharya from the text "Atma -Bodha". He says, "Likes, dislikes, happiness and sorrow exist only when the mind and intellect are functioning. Therefore, they belong to the mind and not to the Self." Such a clear and conscience inference. Another way to remind myself that I am truly not tied down by all the ups and downs that I face. In fact, I am already free from all my perceived happiness and sadness. This is something that I should remind myself every day as soon I wake up, reaffirmed by the mind that is rested and refreshed by sleep. Hari Om!

PS: Excessive sleep is also not good. It makes us feel very dumb. Just the right amount is what works the magic.


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