On Oneness - Part 4

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To recap, (part1, part 2 and part 3) let us quickly revisit what is called as the "Law of Cause and Effect", in Vedanta. The Rishis and Sages -the great subjective scientists, have put forth this law after a deep study of this world and the self. You can click here to hear Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda explain the law in detail (highly recommend this short 7 minute video)

1. There can be no effect without a cause - (Eg., no waves without ocean)
2. The effect is nothing but the cause itself in a different form -(Eg., the waves, bubbles, foams, whirlpools are nothing but the ocean itself)
3. When cause is removed from the effect, nothing remains (Eg., no waves, bubbles, foam etc when there is no ocean)

Now, applying this to ourselves, it is evident that this entire universe of names and forms, including this physical human body, is nothing but the effect. The cause of all these names and forms is the One Supreme Truth. It is this One Cause that is manifesting as you, me, ours, theirs, this & that. 

All this is fine, but why should I even bother about all this? Why should I understand this? More importantly, why should I practice it? This sounds too utopian and goody -goody. Does it mean that I should view the world through pink goggles? Does it mean I keep spouting phrases like "love and light", "peace" and other such random things?

Well, No. What this vision calls for is a shift in beliefs and ideas that we have been holding on to, so tightly! It is time to let go of these, as it no longer serves us. It is a lot of hard work. And we have to work only on ourselves. but the results are so worth the efforts.

1. The idea of I, Me, Mine:
When everything around me is but an expression of the same life force that is within me, how can I be this small, puny individual who is concerned only about her needs and wants? 
How can I say this belongs to me and this is mine? 

Once this idea seeps into our very DNA, we will not dare to hurt another, through our thoughts, words or deeds. We will never put another at a position of disadvantage. Fair play becomes the norm. Sharing comes easily. No longer will we hesitate to reach out to those who need help. 

The word "self-ishness" takes a whole new meaning, because the self has expanded to embrace and encompass all, as my own.

2. The power of the individual:
When I thought I was just one individual person, I held no power. But, when I see myself as the part of the whole, The One,  without any second, then my limitations vanish.

We hold the power to bring whatever change that we want to see around us. But we have to start being the change that we want to see. 

Stop littering the roads, if you don't want the roads to be dirty
Start treating everyone with kindness, if you want to see more kindness all around
Stop judging others, if you want the society to become less judgmental
Be the one to forgive first, and see the effect cascade all around you
Stop spreading hate and fear.
Stop complaining, start doing what you can to make this world a better place -at all levels.

I am not a lonely person with no power whatsoever. This whole universe, is but an extension of me! I am the thread that makes the tapestry! If I want this world to be a better place, it is MY RESPONSIBILITY to make it happen as I HOLD ALL THE POWER to make it happen.

3. The death of fear:
Fear is always for something that we perceive as something that is separate/different/other than us. We are not afraid of our own self, are we? When I see nothing but my own Self expressing all around me, then what Else is there hat I am going to be afraid of?

The less we identify with the limited body, the lesser our fears. Most of our fears stem from the instinct of survival of this physical body. This doesn't mean that I throw caution to the wind and barrel down the wrong side of the road at 100 KMPH on a bike without a helmet. It just means that I am not completely preoccupied with protecting my body & emotions. 

We perceive the world primary from the perspective of the body, mind and intellect. Eg; when we see a person, at the physical level, we perceive the gender and other physical attributes as height, weight etc. Then from the emotional level, we see that physical form as mother, a teacher, a friend, a stranger etc. On the intellectual level, we see as another individual with their own personality, thoughts etc and perceive them as similar or dissimilar from our own personality, thoughts & beliefs. 

The interesting factor is, as we see others from an emotional perspective, their physical fallacies become less glaring -eg, my father is the most handsome man for me in spite of this bald head, because I love him. Similarly, when we see from an intellectual level, we will overlook their emotional shortcomings.

But, when we start seeing this world from a spiritual perspective, then our awareness will only be on that ONE, the singular life force that is powering this whole universe. When there is only One, where is the question of fear, because there is nothing else to be afraid of.

4. Life becomes a journey of bliss:
Our everyday life becomes happier, more relaxed and peaceful. Petty things stop bothering us when we have a large vision. Just like how the cities and mountains and rivers look so tiny when viewed from the window of an airplane flying high in the sky, similarly our sorrows and troubles and worries are reduced to nothing when we see ourselves as One life force pervading everything.

We become more tolerant of others' shortcomings, we become more forgiving and we start living fully in the present, without the sorrows of the past or the fear of the future weighing us down. We even stop fearing death, because death is only for this body. Life goes on forever. 

Our actions stem from love, rather than fear. Our wants reduce and our needs get met easily. We come to understand that all that we have to do, is just BE.

In the final post, let us see how we can put this theory into practice in our everyday lives.



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