The Power is Mine -Light(en)ing up the Diwali

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It is frustrating to look around and see how much damage we are doing consciously to our environment. Now, more than ever, we are at a tipping point where unless we start cleaning up our act, there may not be a planet to give to our future generations. To even contemplate the current scenario is very depressing. Even more depressing is when we think we can't do anything about it.

We have been brought up with the thought that an individual has no power and his act alone cannot bring about any change in the society. Well, if that is the case, the society is nothing but a collection of individuals. It is not like as if the society is an animal of its own with head and hands and legs. It is us, every one of us, who create the fabric called society. 

Further, if we live under the illusion that as an individual or as a family, we are not contributing to environmental deterioration, well, we only have to take a look into our garbage bins to understand otherwise. Just look at how much plastic we are throwing out as waste every day. How much water we waste. How much food is wasted. How much soap and detergents and dish washing liquids we dump in our water resources -not as a whole society, just as a household. Do you still think that we don't have the responsibility to start living lightly on this planet -giving more than what we take and producing more than what we consume?

And yes, as individuals and as families, we all have the power to chose wisely and consciously as to how we are going to live this life. Never mind even if you think it is not going to change the way things are. Let us start being the change that we want to see. This change need not even be something so drastic or large scale. It need not even be too many. Just one or two things that we choose to do is a step towards reclaiming our power. But do, we must.

Here are a few things that I have empowered myself to do this Diwali:

1. Shopping:

We have decided not to go on a shopping spree this Diwali. My mother in law and I already have brand new saris lying around in our wardrobes and they will suffice as our Diwali Sari.

Also, I have decided not to buy new clothes until I clear out my wardrobe and donate all the clothes that I no longer wear. 

How does this help?

It is obvious that every item we buy consumes resources and releases pollutants. The unbridled consumerism that seems to be the norm these days is killing our planet faster than anything else. We buy so many things that we don't really need, yet we barely bat an eyelid in this regard. 

I choose to exercise my power to not to be a part of blind consumerism. Will it immediately reverse any damage to the environment? No. Will it make a difference in the long run? Yes. How? Just imagine the amount of things that I will NOT be using over the span of my lifetime. Minimalism is the key here.

2. Crackers:

This is a no brainer. A box of sparkles to light in the evening is all that we plan to do.
off late, there have been many memes circulating in the internet, where people say, "Animal right activists barely bat an eyelid when so many animals are slaughtered during Ramzan / Eid. But they are up in arms when Hindus burst crackers, claiming that animals get scared." Well, two wrongs does not make a right. While I have no part in slaughtering of animals, I can as an individual stop scaring them during Diwali by bursting crackers.

How does this help?

Every ounce of pollutants that DOESNOT get released into the air makes a huge difference and that is where I as an individual choose to exercise my power.

How are you going to exercise your power this Diwali? Do share your thoughts. Happy Diwali!


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