Getting Yoga Ready (7) - Santosha

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The second of the five niyamas or observances is santosha, which means contentment. Before I reflect on this, let me share a small incident that happened when I was at Chinmaya Voboothi, Kolwan this summer.

We were sitting at Guruji's (Swami Tejomayananda's) kutiya after breakfast. Devotees and visitors kept coming to offer their pranams to Guruji. There was this young lady who asked Guruji, "how to be happy in life?" Guruji asked her, "aren't you happy?" and she replied saying that she was frustrated with her work. For the past three years, she has been performing well and has been putting in her best efforts, but her appraisal was not favourable. She felt bad that inspite of her hard work and dedication for three years, she was not promoted. Guruji jokingly said, "For three years you didn't get promotion na, don't worry this time you will get." and fell silent.

Obviously the lady wanted something more and we were all sitting quietly, looking at Him. Then He said the following:

"There are only two ways in which we can be happy -one, when everything goes our way. Two -when I accept whatever happens with happiness. The first one is tricky, because we cannot say for sure that everything will happen our way. We cannot control the events and situations and outcomes most of the time.

"But, the second way is easier and it will come with practice. Because you can control your reaction to things and situations. Whatever life throws at you, take it with happiness. Tell life, "No matter what you give, I will be happy". When you do this, then nothing can take away your happiness."

We all were digesting this when again, after a pause, in His typical loving manner, He continued:

"Don't think I am just sitting here and saying this. Even I apply this in my life at all times. You know, long back, when I had just taken over as Head of Chinmaya Mission, I was in Chennai for a yagna and I suddenly developed severe ear ache. The hosts took me to see a top notch specialist and the doctor after examining me, told that I had to get a surgery done at the earliest and asked me for a convenient date. Given my travel schedule, I told the doctor that I will undergo the surgery tomorrow itself.

"So I came back home and the hosts were feeling very sad, especially their little grand daughter. At that time, I asked her, 'why are you upset'. She said she was upset because I have to undergo a surgery and that I will be in pain and all that. So I told her, 'you should not feel sad. You know why, because I am excited about this surgery. This is the first time I am going to be given anesthesia. Then the doctors will perform the surgery and take care of me. You all will come and visit me at the hospital. You will bring me fruits and Horlicks and all that. Isn't this all exciting?'

"After that, I have had 16 operations performed on this body till  now. And I have accepted them all with happiness. So, don't worry. accept whatever life offers you with happiness and cheerfulness. With practice, this can be done. And that will make this whole life a happy experience."

Contentment is what gives peace and happiness. Right now, at this moment, in this very second, I have nothing to complain. My unhappiness is rooted in my expectation of a particular outcome -I want things to happen in a particular way. If it doesn't happen, then I am unhappy. When I remain open to what life throws at me, accepting things as they are, nothing or no one has the power to make me unhappy.



  1. Contentment - small word with a big meaning. Who simple life would be if we all are contented


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