A follow up post

Remember this post where I had made such tall claims and wanted to become disciplined and focused overnight? Well, it didn't happen. But, it was not a complete write off either. I was able to work out 4 times a week on all the four weeks! and I have started cycling in earnest. Covering more than 180 Kms by walking, jogging and cycling, I had exercised the maximum number of times and most regularly in the month of March. Yay!

But, I have figured a very important thing... I am able to focus fully on only one thing at a time. By focusing on exercise, I have missed out on writing. Even though I have all the posts written in my head, I was not able to type it out, simply because I was too exhausted after all the activities. Waking up at 4.30 am puts you to sleep by 10. And the only time I stayed up late was to finish Gone Girl (review coming up shortly), and a couple of nights at my mom's place where I was binge watching the TV. So, I have to find a way to balance things.

As far as expense tracking goes, I was 100% successful. Any expense over the amount of Rs 10 was diligently noted down and at the end of the month, I had a mini heart attack looking at the amount of money I have spent. I am consoling myself that most of these expenses are one time in nature and April will be a better month. If anything, tracking my expenses has strengthened my conviction that I must never ever stop earning my own keep. And guess what else I did? I started maintaining a food journal and was pleasantly surprised by the outcome. I will write a separate post detailing the expense and food tracking adventures shortly.

I didn't even listen to Sri Suktam the whole of March, even though snatches of the hymn constantly played in my mind every now and then. But I was really to exhausted to even worry about not keeping up that bit of the resolve. I am now wiser as far as resolves goes -make as little as possible ;)

The month of March was very busy and very eventful. celebrations, catching up with friends, movies, visits...wow! It was incredible. Hopefully I will post all the posts that are swirling in my head this month. Hari Om!


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