On Oneness - Part 4
To recap, ( part1 , part 2 and part 3 ) let us quickly revisit what is called as the "Law of Cause and Effect", in Vedanta. The Rishis and Sages -the great subjective scientists, have put forth this law after a deep study of this world and the self. You can click here to hear Gurudev Swami Chinmayananda explain the law in detail (highly recommend this short 7 minute video) 1. There can be no effect without a cause - (Eg., no waves without ocean) 2. The effect is nothing but the cause itself in a different form -(Eg., the waves, bubbles, foams, whirlpools are nothing but the ocean itself) 3. When cause is removed from the effect, nothing remains (Eg., no waves, bubbles, foam etc when there is no ocean) Now, applying this to ourselves, it is evident that this entire universe of names and forms, including this physical human body, is nothing but the effect. The cause of all these names and forms is the One Supreme Truth. It is this One Cause that is manifesting...