
Showing posts from June, 2017

Getting Yoga Ready (6) - Shaucha

After seeing all the restraints so far, let me move on to reflect upon the observances or the Niyamas. The restraints and observances support and complement each other. Also, it is interesting to note that the observances come after the restraints, subtly indicating the importance of discipline. Whenever I want to raise above certain tendencies / behavior / thought patters and aim to become a better version of myself, there must be something that I can reach up and grasp hold of, so that I can heave myself up. The niyamas are such holds, which when grasped on to, will help me raise from the lower tendencies to higher and subtler states of mind. Just like there are 5 yamas, the niyamas are also 5 in number. They are: Saucha -cleanliness Santosha -contentment Tapas -austerity / discipline Svadhyaya -Self study and study of the "Self" Ishvara Pranidhana - Surrender to the God or Higher Power Well rounded and covering almos...