Within and without

The endless ocean. Sky so blue, dotted here and there with tall tall palms. Hard soil and soft sand. Scrubs and thorns and salt pans. A winding road curving sharply every now and then. Goats with dirty white coat and black underbelly grazing in clumps. A few even sauntering across the road, oblivious to the zooming cars. Space space and more space. The air always tinged with salt. A silence so sacred that the audio system in the car is often turned off. The lighthouses looming across the horizon every now and then. Tantalizing glimpses of sea every, playing peek -a -boo with travelers driving south. A town or village appearing here and there. Tea stalls, butcher shops, small temples and tall minarets, the Virgin carrying her son and the cross looming behind, posters of happy couples welcoming guests for their wedding, flower shops, a bus stand and then, the space again. We found God here, more potent and powerful, whipping through us with the powerful wind and shining upon ...