
Showing posts from July, 2015


    Not so long ago, I used to feel that the best way to write is, actually write -with a pen on a paper. But then, typing the thoughts out in a laptop became a lot more convenient. I was trying to post regularly this year and was pretty happy with my consistency. I guess I should have been quietly happy, instead of unleashing a wave of pride, because my laptop promptly conked off.  A moment of silence to remember all the struggles that I had with the 2006 model Acer, to just get it started. Many times, I would have typed out a whole paragraph, before the first word of the sentence appeared on the screen. And one fine day, the laptop refused to even turn on.   So I shoved the laptop in the bottom of my draw and pulled out all the fancy diaries my clients had given for new year. Brought some black and blue pens and cozied myself up in the bed, cradling the diary in my lap...and I just sat there staring at the ...