Manah Sodhanam -Verse 18
The more I delve into Vedanta, the more I like it. So many people I know feel that Vedanta is for people who are 50+ and have already lived their lives and done their duties. Many of my well wishers even feel that I should not be thinking/talking/writing about this, lest I get brainwashed into becoming a sanyasini. But the beauty of Vedanta study is, it really makes a difference in my day to day life. When I am keenly observing myself and my thoughts, I very rarely have negative thoughts about someone or something else. And I am becoming less reactive and less agitated. I don't know if it is a temporary effect or a lasting one, but I am immensely enjoying this. The worry factor -especially worry caused by unnecessary fabrication of hypothetical scenarios -has really come down. It is like as if, deep down, I feel that everything is if I don't have to worry about anything. Most importantly, I am so happy that I am writing so much. When I write, all the thought...